What’s this?



I’m Ben, Jimmy to my friends, I’m in the midst of a Philosophy degree and the requisite existential crisis that accompanies it, and I’d like to be a sports journalist.

So I can toy around with stuff with total freedom, whilst sharing it with people – I’ve got myself a blog. On here I’ll predominantly be writing about the top level of professional road cycling, though there may be the odd diversion from that.

The title – Tricycle Stabilizers – is inspired, if ‘inspired’ is the right word (it almost certainly isn’t), by the combination  of this being one of my first steps into writing, the subject matter being cycling, and the likely ancillary role it will play within a subject matter that’s already fairly well covered by the internet. Hopefully, however, you’ll find that this blog offers a more palatable, less beige coverage of the sport (you’ll get proper opinions, which are surprisingly rare).

Have a nosey, and please do comment: the point of this is improvement – I want to get better at this, so any constructive criticism I can get is a bonus.

Edit: You don’t need a wordpress account to follow the blog – on the bottom-right of this page, there should be an option to simply enter your email address, so that you’re notified whenever I post. This has proven to be the most popular option so far. Please note that you’ll need to click a link in a confirmation email to complete the process. But that takes, what, ten seconds? Tops?


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